Monthly Archives: September 2010

Azure 101 Talk Presented at Boston Azure User Group’s September Meeting

Last week on Thursday I gave a talk to the Boston Azure User Group[†]: a high level introduction to Windows Azure titled Azure 101 (you can download the Azure 101 slide deck).

I shared the stage with Mark Eisenberg of Microsoft who walked us through some of the features coming in the November update of Windows Azure. One of the sites Mark showed was the Open Source Windows Azure Companion.

Hope to see you next month when Ben Day will talk about how Windows Azure and Silverlight can play nice together.

For up to date information on Boston Azure, follow Boston Azure on twitter (@bostonazure),  keep an eye on the group’s web site (, or add yourself to the low-volume email announcement list.

[] Yes, I also founded and run the Boston Azure User Group, but it is my first time having the honors as the main speaker.

Programming Windows Azure Blob Storage in One Page of Code

Microsoft Windows Azure supports several storage approaches: Blobs, Tables, Queues, Drives, and CDN. We even have SQL Azure available to us for full relational power. This post will outline some basic thoughts on programming Blob storage in .NET. And at the end there will be one (long) page of example code (though you will need to supply your Database Access Keys for your Azure Cloud Account). This code is a complete program that will upload a file into Azure Blob Storage and mark it as Publicly Readable, as would be suitable for linking to such resources from a public web site.

Do I Need .NET?

No, .NET is not needed to program against Blob storage. Any programming language or platform can be used, provided it can support calling out via http. Programs speak to the Blob storage service in Azure via a RESTful interface – yes, good old-fashioned http goodness.

Isn’t REST Awkward to Program Against?

Well, there are a few details to making these REST requests: construct a well-formed request body, set up the http headers, add your hash (in most cases Azure requires this step as proof you have the right key), create a web connection, send your request, handle the response, and repeat. But in .NET it is even easier due to the Azure SDK where you will find some helper classes, such as CloudBlobContainer, CloudBlobClient, and CloudBlob. These helpful helpers help you help yourself to Blob storage services without having to worry about most of the details – you just deal with some objects.

How Do I Access the Azure SDK, and How Many Thousands of Dollars Does it Cost?

For .NET / Visual Studio developers, download the SDK as part of the Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio. Or, better still, follow these instructions from David Aiken for getting started with Windows Azure.

For non-.NET, non-Visual Studio developers, download the Windows Azure SDK separately.

And even though the Azure SDK makes Azure development super über ultra convenient on .NET, it does not cost any money. A freebie. If you are developing on a non-.NET platform, there is very likely an open source client library for you. Microsoft provides a library now for PHP, too.

Can You Give Me a Short Example?

Sure, here is a code snippet showing the two primary classes in action (and bold blue). Under the hood, there are REST calls being made out to the Blob storage services, but you don’t need to deal with this plumbing in your code.

FileInfo = new FileInfo(“c:/temp/foo.png”);
string blobUriPath = fileInfo.Name;

CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = // getting blob container not shown here

CloudBlob blob = blobContainer.GetBlobReference(blobUriPath);

blob.Metadata[“SomeArbitraryPropertyName”] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // arbitrary value

blob.Properties.ContentType = “image/png”;

Are these Calls Really REST Under the Hood!!??

They sure are. You can prove this by firing up an http sniffer like Fiddler. You will see http traffic whiz back and forth.

What if Something Goes Wrong?

Here are a couple of errors I’ve run into:

For other errors or issues, try the Azure Support Forum.

Is it Production Quality Code?

Hmmm… We have a continuous stream of code on a single (long) page, in a single source file… Is it “Production Quality Code” you might wonder? I’m going to go with “no” – this code is not production ready. It is for getting up to speed quickly and learning about Azure Blob Storage.

Can I Tell if My Blobs Get to the Cloud?

You sure can. One way is to use the nifty tool:

Go to in your browser:


Now you need to know something about how your Azure Storage account was configured in the Cloud. You need to know both the Account Name and one of the Access Key values (Primary or Secondary – it doesn’t matter which).

In our case we will type in the following:

Account Name = bostonazuretemp

Access Key = Gfd1TqS/60hKj0Ob3xPbtbQfmH/R0DMDKDC8VXWpxdMvhRPH1A+f6FMoIzyP+zDQmoN3GYQzJlLOASKKEvTJkA==

Note: the Access Key above is no longer valid. Use a different real one if you like, or see the One Page of Code snippet below for how to do this using local storage in the Dev Fabric.

You may also want to check “Remember Me” and your screen will look something like this:


Now simply click on “Log In” and you will see your storage. The default tab is for Table storage, so click the BLOBs tab to view your Blob Containers:


In my case I see one – “billw” – and I can click on it to drill into it and see its blobs:


And for each blob, I can click on the blob to examine its attributes and metadata:


What Project Template Should I Use in Visual Studio?

Create a Visual C# Console Application on .NET Framework 4 using Visual Studio 2010 or Visual C# Express 2010:


Show Me the Code!

Okay, the working code – fully functional – on One Page of Code – appears below. After you create a new Visual C# Console application in Visual Studio 2010, as shown above, simply clobber the contents of the file Program.cs with the code below. That oughta be easy. Then start playing with it.

You will also need to add a reference to Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient – but first you’ll need to switch away from the .NET Framework Client Profile.

Sharing Files on the Public Web using Azure Blob Storage

Also note that the following code will post to Azure Blob Storage in such a way that the item stored will be accessible from a web browser. This is not the default behaviour; read the code to see the couple of lines that influence this.

Note that this code is intensionally compressed to fit in a short space and all in one place – this is not intended to be production code, but “here is a simple example” code. For instance, this code does not use config files – but you should. This is just to help you quickly understand the flow and take all the magic out of getting a code sample to work.

You can also download this code directly: SnippetUploaderInOnePageOfCode.cs.

Without further ado, here is your One Page of Code

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient;

namespace CodeSnippetUploader
    class Program
#if false
        private const string AccountKey = “Put a real Storage Account Key – find it on dev portal for your Storage Service”;
        private const string AccountKey = null;  // use local storage in the Dev Fabric
        private const string AccountName = “bostonazuretemp”;
        private const string ContainerName = “snippets”;
        private const string MimeTypeName = “text/plain”; // since these are assumed to be code snippets

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // pass in the single snippet code file you want uploaded
            string snippetFilePath = args[0];

            string baseUri = null;
            CloudBlobClient blobStorage = null;

            if (AccountKey == null)
                var clientStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; // use storage services in the Developer Fabric, not real cloud
                baseUri = clientStorageAccount.BlobEndpoint.AbsoluteUri;
                blobStorage = new CloudBlobClient(baseUri, clientStorageAccount.Credentials);
                byte[] key = Convert.FromBase64String(AccountKey);
                var creds = new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey(AccountName, key);
                baseUri = string.Format(“http://{0}“, AccountName);
                blobStorage = new CloudBlobClient(baseUri, creds);

            CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = blobStorage.GetContainerReference(ContainerName);
            bool didNotExistCreated = blobContainer.CreateIfNotExist();

            var perms = new BlobContainerPermissions
                PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Container // Blob (see files if you know the name) or Container (enumerate like a directory)
            blobContainer.SetPermissions(perms); // This line makes the blob public so it is available from a web browser (no magic needed to read it)

            var fi = new FileInfo(snippetFilePath);
            string blobUriPath = fi.Name; // could also use paths, as in: “images/” + fileInfo.Name;
            CloudBlob blob = blobContainer.GetBlobReference(blobUriPath);
            blob.UploadFile(fi.FullName); // REST call under the hood; use tool like Fiddler to see generated http traffic (

            blob.Properties.ContentType = MimeTypeName; // IMPORTANT: Mime Type here needs to match type of the uploaded file
                                                        // e.g., *.png <=> image/png, *.wmv <=> video/x-ms-wmv (
            blob.SetProperties(); // REST call under the hood

            blob.Metadata[“SourceFileName”] = fi.FullName; // not required – just showing how to store metadata
            blob.Metadata[“WhenFileUploadedUtc”] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongTimeString();
            blob.SetMetadata(); // REST call under the hood

            string url = String.Format(“{0}/{1}/{2}”, baseUri, ContainerName, blobUriPath);
            Process process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url); // see the image you just uploaded (works from Console, WPF, or Forms app – not from ASP.NET app)

What causes “specified container does not exist” error message in Windows Azure Storage?

In debugging some Windows Azure Storage code, I ran across a seemingly spurious, unpredictable exception in Azure Blob code where I was creating Blob containers and uploading Blobs to the cloud. The error would appear sometimes… at first there was no discernable pattern… and the code would always work if I ran my code again immediately after a failure. Mysterious…

A Surprising Exception is Raised

When there was an exception raised, this was the error message with some details:

StorageClientException was unhandled - The specified container does not exist

The title bar reads “StorageClientException was unhandled” which is accurate, since that code was not currently in a try/catch block. No problem or surprise there, at least with that part. But the exception text itself was surprising: “The specified container does not exist.”

Uhhhh, yes it does! After calling GetContainerReference, container.CreateIfNotExist() was called to ensure the container was there. No errors were thrown. What could be the problem?

A Clue

Okay, here’s a clue: while running, testing, and debugging my code, occasionally I would want a completely fresh run, so I would delete all my existing data stored in the cloud (that this code cared about at least) by deleting the whole Blob container (called “AzureTop40”). This was rather convenient using the handy myAzureStorage utility:

This seemed like an easy thing to do, since my code re-created the container and any objects needed. Starting from scratch was a convenience for debugging and testing. Or so I thought…

Azure Storage is Strongly Consistent, not Eventually Consistent

Some storage systems are “eventually consistent” – a technique used in distributed scalable systems in which a trade-off is made: we open a small window of inconsistency with our data, in exchange for scalability improvements. One example system is Amazon’s S3 storage offering.

But, per page 130 of Programming Windows Azure, “Windows Azure Storage is not eventually consistent; it is instantly/strongly consistent. This means when you do an update or a delete, the changes are instantly visible to all future API calls. The team decided to do this since they felt that eventual consistency would make writing code against the storage services quite tricky, and more important, the could achieve very good performance without needing this.”

So there should be no problem, right? Well, not exactly.

Is Azure Storage actually Eventually Strongly Consistent?

Okay, “Eventually Strongly Consistent” isn’t a real term, but it does seem to fit this scenario.

I’ve heard more than once (can’t find authoritative sources right now!??) that you need to give the storage system time to clean up after you delete something – such as a Blob container – which is immediately not available (strongly consistent) but is cleaned up as a background job, with a garbage collection-like feel to it. There seems to be a small problem: until the background or async cleanup of the “deleted” data is complete, the name is not really available for reuse. This appears to be what was causing my problem.

Another dimension of the problem was that there was no error from the code that purportedly ensured the container was there waiting for me. At least this part seems to be a bug: it seems a little eventually consistent is leaking into Azure Storage’s tidy instantly/strongly consistent model.

I don’t know what the Azure Storage team will do to address this, if anything, but at least understanding it helps suggest solutions. One work-around would be to just wait it out – eventually the name will be available again. Another is to use different names instead of reusing names from objects recently deleted.

I see other folks have encountered the same issue, also without a complete solution.

Vermont Code Camp – Building Cloud-Native Applications with Azure

I attended Vermont Code Camp 2 yesterday (11-Sept-2010) at the University of Vermont.  Many thanks to the awesome crew of Vermonters who put on an extremely well-organized and highly energetic event! I look forward to #vtcc3 next year. (Twitter stream, while it lasts: #vtcc2)

I presented a talk on Building Cloud-Native Applications using Microsoft Windows Azure. My slides are available as a PPT download and on

<aside>Maura and I went to Vermont a day early. We put that time to good use climbing to the summit of Vermont’s highest mountain: Mt. Mansfield. We hiked up from Underhill State Park, up the Maple Ridge Trail, over to the Long Trail, up to the summit, then down the Sunset Ridge Trail (map). It was a really tough climb, but totally worth it. I think the round trip was around 7 miles.


Gave Azure Storage Talk at VB.NET User Group Meeting

I gave a talk at the Thurs Sept 2, 2010 New England VB.NET user group meeting. Andy Novick covered SQL Azure, and I covered the rest (Blobs, Tables, Queues, Drives, and CDN).

My slides can be downloaded here (which is hosted on Azure Blob storage!).

I also have  plans for a few more Azure-related talks in the near future:

  1. First up is Building Cloud-Native Applications with Windows Azure – at the Vermont Code Camp on Saturday, September 11, 2010.
  2. I am the main speaker at the September 23, 2010 Boston Azure meeting – topic is Azure 101 – the basics. (Then for the October 21, Ben Day will be (most likely) talking about how to integrate Silverlight and Azure.)
  3. I am also planning one or two talks at the New England Code Camp 14 on Saturday October 2 (I haven’t submitted abstracts yet, but probably talks similar to (a) Demystifying Windows Azure and Introduction to Cloud Computing with Azure, and (b) Building Cloud-Native Applications with Windows Azure)

Here is the abstract for the Building Cloud-Native Applications with Windows Azure talk at VT Code Camp:

Cloud computing is here to stay, and it is never too soon to begin understanding the impact it will have on application
architecture. In this talk we will discuss the two most significant architectural mind-shifts, discussing the key patterns
changes generally and seeing how these new cloud patterns map naturally into specific programming practices in Windows
Azure. Specifically this relates to (a) Azure Roles and Queues and how to combine them using cloud-friendly design
patterns, and (b) the combination of relational data and non-relational data, how to decide among them, and how to
combine them. The goal is for mere mortals to build highly reliable applications that scale economically. The concepts
discussed in this talk are relevant for developers and architects building systems for the cloud today, or who want to be
prepared to move to the cloud in the future.