Talk: Boston Code Camp 36 – Meet GitHub Copilot, Your AI Coding Assistant!


Always great to hang out with the greater Boston tech community. Today I attended and contributed a talk to Boston Code Camp 36 (the 36th edition of this event).

I made the trip with Maura (she gave a talk on blockchain). and we met a lot of cool people and had a great time.

I spoke on GitHub Copilot. Much of my talk was demo and discussion – you have to see this in action (or use it) to appreciate what’s happening. I consider this a glimpse into the future – it will surely become then norm to have an AI assistant when programming.

It is fun have one AI 🤖 (GitHub Copilot) help us program another AI 🤖 (Azure OpenAI). 🤖 🤖 🤖 😀 After Copilot Chat was able to explain that Azure OpenAI did not have any notion of “today” we used Copilot to implement a trivial version of RAG to anchor the prompt to the current day.

We saw how the agents like @workspace can explain a body of code and even help us figure out where to implement a new feature (such as the --joke command line param).

Another demo was to get Copilot to write unit tests for me. The demo gods were not helpful 😱 😱 😱 and I ran into an error. I moved on without fixing it since time was short. I diagnosed it later and it turns out I had double-pasted (classic demo failure!) which caused the problem. We did use /tests to create unit tests, which were initially NUnit test, but then we asked Copilot to recast them as xUnit tests, then to more efficiently create test cases using the InlineData attribute to consolidate similar test cases.We didn’t get to run the tests at the end, but hopefully the power of GitHub Copilot in helping to create unit tests came through.

I also had the opportunity to hang out with some smart soon-to-be graduates from my alma mater – University of Massachusetts at Boston (some of them were Rohini Deshmukh, Master’s in Information Technology, Kunal Sahjwani, Master’s in Information Technology, and Shounak Kulkarni, Master’s in Business Analytics). Great to see our profession is in such capable hands from chatting with these very smart and capable technologists, analysts, and future leaders.

Here is the published talk abstract for the talk I delivered – and though much of the session was demos, the PowerPoint deck is attached after the abstract.

Meet GitHub Copilot, Your AI Coding Assistant

Imagine an assistant who anticipates your needs as you code, handling mundane and time-consuming steps, allowing you to focus on more complex challenges (the fun stuff). Allow me to introduce you to GitHub Copilot.

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered coding assistant that integrates with your developer IDE adding many powerful productivity features. Backed by the same OpenAI Large Language Model (LLM) behind ChatGPT, it has an uncanny ability to suggest code snippets that you were about to type in. But suggesting code snippets is just the beginning.

In this demo-heavy talk, we’ll show usage basics, distinguish scenarios where it excels vs. some it finds challenging, and point out a few common anti-patterns so you can avoid them.

Since it is still early days, big features are still showing up at a fast clip, so we’ll highlight some recent features and some others just emerging. At the end we’ll squeeze in just a bit of prognosticating about what it might mean for the future of software development.

As you’ll learn in more depth during this session, the promise of GitHub Copilot is to help you be more productive – go faster, stay in flow, build even more robust software. We are not fully there but we are on the way. This imperfect tool is still a game changer.

I believe the rise of AI coding assistants is unstoppable at this point – and that’s a good thing. By the end of this session, you might agree. And maybe you’ll join the revolution early.

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